Forgiveness and Gratitude for the February Full Moon

And how it will lead you to an unconditional love you to a never thought you could have

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Just as the sun rises and set each day, the moon has made its way through its own phases and on the 9th of this month, we will see the full moon in all her glory as she shines bright in the sign of Leo. 

And maybe you have, or maybe you haven’t heard that on a full moon it’s the best time to practice rituals in releasing, reflection, forgiveness and showing gratitude for what you have accomplished - no matter how big or small.

Loud and Proud Leo

A full moon in Leo is biggg proud and loud energy, but mixed with the energy of the month of February this can become a bit of an overwhelming contrast. Not only do full moons have the tendency to bring out the emotions in basically everyone but a full moon in Leo can leave you feeling even more insecure then normal as it craves affection and devotion. Not to mention, that it is the month of LOOVVEEE and if you are not in your dream relationship, this can leave you feeling from a place of lack rather than lust. 

This is exactly why forgiveness and gratitude will play such a huge roll in this full moon. When we operate from a place of lack, we often fall into a frenzy of thoughts and feelings, and most often times not the good kind. We find ourselves questioning why we aren’t good enough, why we haven’t accomplished our goals and why we aren’t living that dream life we want so bad. 

But once we are able to pinpoint and acknowledge that we have been blaming, shaming and judging ourselves far to often, causing us to stay in the same old rut and vibration, we are able to forgive ourselves for all of the things we might have been engaging in that were more self-sabotaging then we would like to admit (and hopefully put a stop to them once and for all). Once we forgive ourselves, we are able to clear and once we are able to clear, well, this just leaves us with a huge space to fill with gratitude and love.  

Except, this month it will be a special kind of love, because as we forgive ourselves, an unconditional love and grace for oneself will begin to emerge fast and strong, just like the mighty Leo.

As as we know, the better we treat ourselves, the more we love ourselves for being us, the more we will see that as a reflection in those around us and around every corner we will begin to find unconditional love.

Full Moon Ritual for Unconditional Love

So your probably wondering how to perform this special little full moon ritual so you can get the unconditional love for yourself that you so truly deserve this February.

 So here you go, follow the steps below to have your own little full moon ritual at home. 

1.     Get a piece of paper (preferably not your journal as you don’t want to carry around what you are wanting to release) and find a little sacred space in your home. 

2.     Take a deep breath, close your eyes and ask yourself without judgement - Have I been showing myself love?

3.     Then write down everything and anything that comes to mind. Let the words just flow, even if they don’t make sense, it’s part of the releasing process. 

4.     Once you are able to put down some thoughts and feelings. Give yourself some time to think about how you can be more gentle with yourself and what it would look like if you gave yourself love. Every. Single. Day. 

5.     Next write, I forgive myself for… and let the words flow freely once again – remember no judgment. 

6.     Burn baby burn – Over a pot or toilet – be safe and try not to set the fire alarm off! Burn your piece of paper, and imagine releasing all of your energetic ties to the blame, shame, guilt, fear, judgment you have carried about yourself on your journey. If burning isn’t your jam and you’re not a pyro like me, then try ripping up your paper into tiny bits and discarding it in either your toilet or outside garbage – the most important part of this practice is just to imagine and feel into the energetic ties that are releasing. 

7.     Take a moment to feel and breathe into the spaciousness you just created.

8.     Fill that spaciousness with what you love about yourself and the gratitude you have for yourself and your journey. 

 I am grateful for my journey, all the mistakes and the lessons that have taught me more about myself and the person I am becoming.

I am grateful for my feet for taking me places.

I am grateful for getting out of bed today to practice this ritual.

I am grateful for the journey to unconditional self love.

What ever it is, find a few things to be grateful for in yourself.

And if you want to really dive into the feels, check out this Free Forgiveness and Release Metta Meditation I created here:

Also come join us at our FULL MOON Akashic Portal Activation + Sound Meditation at the spa this Saturday Feb 8th 9:30 - 11am and clear what is no longer serving you and level up those vibes people! Sound baths are just the best way to clear and move any stagnant energy and Reena (The Collective Code) is an actual real life goddess.

Signing off with love and light from your Infinite Serenity Fam!


Signing off with love! Your Infinite Fam! 

Kelly Steed